This past weekend was our last weekend living in College Station:
Friday was Matias' last day working at Aggie Pet Zone and my last day, officially, in the office at Virtualbookworm. I think it has been bitter sweet for both of us. We are ready to move on with our lives and see what God has in store for us but we both absolutely love College Station and are going to miss it a lot.
Friday night, our Sunday School class had a movie night and it was the last event we were going to be able to attend. It was a lot of fun being able to see everyone and catch up. Christine made us a really cute cookie cake with a beagle on it (guess they know how much we love beagles.) We up having a lot of fun and the movie that we watched was really good too. If you haven't seen the movie Red, then you really should because it was extremely funny and was still a good action flick.

Saturday we woke up early and headed to Dallas for the day with Lilly. This past week she turned 1 year old so we took her to visit her momma and sister. Her momma actually just had 3 week old puppies and we are getting another pup from this litter. We kept trying to put Lilly in the box with the puppies but she really didn't want to be in there and was actually kinda scared of them. We enjoyed getting to see and play with the puppies and can't wait 5 more weeks until we can go and get her (hoping for another girl.)
After Lilly met the puppies, we took her outside to see her momma and older sister. Her mom sniffed her and ran right past her to go check on the puppies, but her sister, Aurora, played outside with her. Then, two of her brothers from her litter showed up to play and we took them all to the dog park. It was great and Lilly was really tired on our way back.
When we got back to College Station we spend the rest of the night cleaning and packing for the move this week. I keep thinking we are done packing and then it is like more stuff appears that needs to be packed. I can't wait to finally move and get everything put away because I hate living out of and around boxes.
Sunday morning we went to our Sunday School class for the last time. It was extremely sad to realize this would be the last time that we would get to attend and that next Sunday we would be looking for another church. I am so thankful for our Newly Weds and Young Married Couples class and hope that we can find something just as great in Sugar Land. I am incredibly thankful that God put this class, and all of the friends that we have made, into our lives.
After church we went back home and picked up our cars to get them cleaned in order to be able to pack some of our stuff into it. Once we got back, we did some more cleaning and packing. Fun fun! Then later that night we went over to Mandy and Michael's for one last dinner together in College Station. It was great talking to them and I am so glad that we have become friends this past year. I am also extremely thankful that they also will be moving to the Houston area in the next couple of weeks.
After we went back home we of course did more cleaning and packing. Can't wait till Tuesday when we finally get the keys to our new place and then Wednesday the movers come. This is going to be an extremely busy couple of days but I can't wait to finally get settled.